These Terms of Service apply to you as a member or advertiser at Linx. As a registered user at Linx, you have confirmed you have read, understood and accepted the following terms and conditions of these Terms of Service. If you do not agree to any of these terms, you may not use our service.
1 Forum, Chat and User behavior
1.1 You must respect other users in all of the areas on our website.
1.2 You have the right to express yourself without offending other members.
1.3 All kinds of publicity, attempts to get referrals for external websites, money offers and the offer or
request of services are prohibited in Forum posts and topics with the exception at our “Share and
discuss other PTC sites” Forum. Spamming the Forum, duplicating topics, posting illegal or false
content, sharing email addresses, social website links and other IDs is also prohibited.
1.4 Any accusation without proof, intimidation, threat or disrespect against Linx and or Linx staff on our
website our elsewhere may result in a main balance and referral reset.
1.5 Posting topics or posts that may directly or indirectly be prejudicial to Linx, its members, sponsors or
service providers will be considered an offense.
2 Account
2.1 We store your password in an irreversible format (encrypted). In the unlikely event of someone
hacking into your account, we will not be held responsible. When you request your password, we will
send you a new one to your email address.
2.2 You can only have one account. Any attempt to create more than one account is prohibited.
2.3 You can only view each advertisement once a day. Any attempt to do otherwise is prohibited. Logging
in from proxies, shared networks is also prohibited.
2.4 Your email addresses will not be shown, given or sold
2.5 Accounts are not transferable.
2.6 Linx will not modify user account information based on user request.
2.7 Members using false information when registering or changing their personal settings will risk an
account reset.
2.8 Using more than one account per computer is prohibited.
2.9 You must not automatically redirect any page to Linx. Framing Linx is also prohibited.
Attempts to manually or automatically reload or view pages intensively will lead to an account reset.
3 Vacation days
3.1 For each 30 clicks you make, you will receive up to 3 vacation days depending on your membership till
you have reached the maximum of 21 vacation days.
3.2 As long as you are above an average of 1 click per day our system won't take any vacation days from
your account.
3.3 When your average was below 1 the previous day, our system will take one of your vacation days. If
you did not have any vacation days left in your account, our system will automatically reset your
4 Doubling your referrals advertisements
4.1 You may double your referrals advertisements as many times as you want.
4.2 Each time you double your referrals advertisements, your referrals will be able to view 18
advertisements each day instead of 9.
4.3 As soon as you join one of the two doubling lists you will need to wait till you can join again. The list is
limited so this totally depends from the total of members who want to double there referrals
4.4 Your doubling state can be found by clicking your username in the upper right corner.
5 Referrals
5.1 You may refer as many people as you want.
5.2 You must not send unsolicited email or force anyone in any other way into becoming your referral.
5.3 You can only rent referrals when they are available and within your membership limits.
5.4 Each day your referrals will have a maximum of 9 advertisements visualized by default. This limit can
be doubled to 18 by joining our doubling list.
5.5 A referrer will never be able to modify the member who referred him or her.
5.6 The amount of direct referrals is limited based on your membership.
6 Advertisements
6.1 We accept every advertisement except for pages that break out of frames, have malicious code,
redirect to another page, have adult or illegal content. As an advertiser you are responsible for your
website loading time and set the correct exposure time for it. Your website must be capable of
supporting multiple visits per seconds.
6.2 Members can earn from each advertisement once a day.
6.3 We reserve the right to deny any advertisement that we do not see fit to be displayed.
6.4 Advertisements must not be viewed on mobile phones or tablets. Advertisements must only be clicked
on using a mouse and not using any other methods. Doing so may lead to an account reset.
7 Payments to our users
7.1 All payments will be made via our payment processors. No other method of payment is available at
this time.
7.2 Payments to you as a member will be made instantly for the payment processors that support it. All
other payout requests will be made within 48 hours after being requested.
7.3 The minimum payment amount is $2.00. From the amount paid, a fee can be deducted depending on
the payment processor you use.
7.4 We are responsible only for submitting your payment to the payment processor. Any action after that
is to be handled by the payment processor's support.
7.5 You must have a correct and existing payment processor email or ID. All payments will go directly to
that user's email or ID and cannot be canceled. To be able to receive your payment, please make sure
your country is listed on your payment processor website to receive payments.
7.6 After requesting a payment, you must wait 15 up to 30 days depending on your membership to
request your next payment.
7.7 Refunds will be ignored and won't be added back to your account.
7.8 You can request one payment at a time. Your AVG needs to be above 1 before you can request your
payout. Before you can request your first payment you need to have seen 150 advertisements. You
need to be a member for at least 30 days. If you registered during our prelaunch (first 10K members)
and you received a free signup bonus you will need to make at least one payment to Linx to receive
payouts. If you are not planning to invest, you can remove your signup bonus. You will then be able to
request your payout without the need to invest. After requesting a payment, you will need to wait 15
up to 30 days depending on your membership to request your next payment.
8 Payments to Linx
8.1 All payments are to be made via our payment methods. No other method of payment will be
8.2 All payments are non-refundable.
8.3 All chargebacks or reversed transactions made on your payments will lead to an account reset.
9 Anti-cheat policy
9.1 Each attempt to hack our system will be logged. We automatically will receive an email with all the
information we need so we can immediately take action if necessary
9.2 Depending on the attempt or attack we will warn you or terminate your account.
10 Account reset & termination
10.1 We have the right to reset or terminate your account at any time for any valid reason including, but
not limited to, the disrespect of our Terms of Service.
10.2 All reset accounts will have their main balance and referrals reset.
10.3 All terminated accounts will no longer be able to login at Linx
10.4 We won't delete accounts for any reason even if they are active, terminated or suspended.
11 Liability
11.1 Linx will not be liable for any kind of delays or failures that are not directly related to Linx and
therefore beyond our control.
11.2 Linx reserves the right to alter the Terms of Service at any time, including fees, special offers, benefits
and rules, amongst others, and also reserves the right to cancel its services any time but with a prior
11.3 Linx will not be held responsible for any of its members, advertisers or advertisements. This also
includes every supplier we depend on.
11.4 Linx is not responsible for any tax payment for you on what you receive from us. It's your responsibility
to declare what you've received and pay your country's taxes.